
A Christmas Poem

The following Christmas poem inspired the Women’s Circle of Friends to make a generous donation. New Castle Main Street appreciates the funding they provided to ensure Downtown New Castle, The Heart of New Castle, is festive this year. Thank you!

A Christmas Poem
by Dr. Matt & Carrie Barrett

‘Twas 106 days before Christmas and all thru New Castle
Our city was redoing the lights which was an incredible hassle
Our sidewalks are being torn up with much care
In hopes that new lightposts soon will be there

Our City is nestled between Indy and Richmond
And visions of beautification have been commissioned
The Mayor at the plaza and I at my desk
Are working tirelessly all without rest

When on the calendar we noticed the date
I sprang from my desk realizing it’s late!
To the computer I flew like a flash
To look for decorations but I didn’t have the cash!

A call came from the foundation regarding a grant
And I thought then and there this could be our chance
And what to my wondering eyes should appear
But an opportunity to buy decorations to show holiday cheer

With a group of ladies so generous and kind
I knew in a moment this could be the time
To ask for some help of this most worthy cause
And bestow gifts on Main Street just like Santy Clause

Now garland, now lights
And tinsel and flare
On banners and baubles
That hang in the air
To the top of the courthouse
And all along Broad
The beauty will make residents applaud

Now I leave to your charge the fate of this plea
To decorate downtown the way it should be
This year let’s make Christmas out of sight
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night

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